Хефциба (кибуц)

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Версия от 07:02, 2 сентября 2011; Л.Гроервейдл (Обсуждение | вклад)
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Тип статьи: Регулярная статья
Дата создания: 2.09.2011

ивр. בית אריה-עופרים
Страна Израиль
Координаты Координаты: 32°02′07.79″ с. ш. 35°03′13.68″ в. д. / 32.035497° с. ш. 35.0538° в. д. (G) (O) (Я)32°02′07.79″ с. ш. 35°03′13.68″ в. д. / 32.035497° с. ш. 35.0538° в. д. (G) (O) (Я)
Мэр Ави Наим
Население 3900 человек (2010)
Часовой пояс UTC+2, летом UTC+3
Официальный сайт http://www.beit-arye.net/ (иврит)

Шаблон:Infobox Israel village

Файл:Beit Alpha.jpg
The zodiac mosaic in the 6th century Beit Alfa synagogue

Heftziba (Шаблон:Lang-he-n, lit. My delight in her) is a kibbutz in northern Israel. Located on the boundaries of the Jezreel and Beit She'an Valleys between the cities of Afula and Beit She'an, it falls under the jurisdiction of Gilboa Regional Council. Its population is 374.


The kibbutz was founded in 1922 by immigrants from Czechoslovakia and Germany. It was named after the farm adjacent to Hadera, where the original settlers worked before they relocated and founded the community. Originally the name derives from the Bible, where God speaks about his love for Israel: "My delight in her." (Isaiah 62:4) The remains of the ancient Beit Alfa Synagogue[1] are within the kibbutz's land.


Makuya students have been sent to Israeli kibbutzim to work together with the people of the Bible, and to study Hebrew and the biblical background. Some of them continue their academic studies in universities. The primary kibbutz the Makuya students stay at is Heftziba.[2]


  1. Goldman, Bernard, The Sacred Portal: a primary symbol in ancient Judaic art, Detroit : Wayne State University Press, 1966. It has a detailed account and treatment of the mosaic at the Beit Alfa synagogue.
  2. Mukuya presence at Heftziba

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